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Beloved Boston Red Sox Slugger Escapes Injury

David Ortiz Loses Diamond Necklace Down London Sewer Grate

Beloved Boston Red Sox Slugger Escapes Injury

Necklace Worth an Estimated $100,000

In a heart-stopping incident that nearly turned tragic, Boston Red Sox legend David Ortiz, affectionately known as "Big Papi," had a close call when his prized diamond necklace slipped off his neck and disappeared down a London sewer grate.

Ortiz, who was visiting the United Kingdom for a charity event, was reportedly wearing the necklace, valued at around $100,000, when it became loose. As he bent down to retrieve it, the clasp broke and the necklace plunged into the sewer below.

Despite the substantial financial loss, Ortiz was relieved that he escaped serious injury. The sewer grate was located in a busy shopping area, and Ortiz could easily have been hit by a passing vehicle or injured by the grating itself.

The incident has sparked a wave of sympathy and support for Ortiz. The Boston Red Sox have expressed their concern and offered their assistance in recovering the necklace. Fans and well-wishers from around the world have also taken to social media to share their messages of encouragement and support.

As of now, the necklace has not been recovered. London authorities are assisting in the search, but it may take some time to locate it in the city's complex sewer system.
